Carefully reproduced from the extensive historical archives in England and in the USA, we are pleased to give you access to the original Heritage publications needed to run and maintain your Austin Healey, including parts catalogues, service manuals and owner’s literature on one handy, cost-effective DVD Rom.
Models covered: Austin Healey 100, 100/6 & 3000 1953 to 1968.
Models covered: Austin-Healey Sprite & MG Midget 1958 to 1979
Parts Publications:
- All Service Parts Lists from 1958-1979
- SU Carburetter (BMC) - Service Parts Lists
Special Tuning Data & Parts Lists:
BMC Special Tuning / British Leyland Special Tuning Data & Parts Lists:
- Midget/Sprite 948 & 1098cc 1961 to 1966 & 1275cc 1966 to 1974
- Publicity Data
- General Data
- Cooper Formula Junior
- Leyland ST / BL Motorsport Data & Parts Lists:- Midget/Sprite 948, 1098 and 1275cc 1961 to 1974
- General Data
Special Tuning Illustrated Parts Lists:
- Sprite Mk I & Mk II, Midget Mk I 1958 to 1964
- Sprite Mk III & Mk IV, Midget Mk II & Mk III 1964 to 1969
- Sprite Mk III & Mk IV, Midget Mk II & Mk III 1964 to 1977
Service Publications:
- All Workshop Manuals from 1958-1979
Special Tuning Handbooks:
- Austin-Healey Sprite Mk I 1958 to 1961
- Midget/Sprite 948 & 1098cc 1961 to 1966
Owner’s Literature:
- All Driver's Handbooks Sprite and Midget from 1958-1979
Photo Gallery, Downloads and Various Links
1958 - 1979