Customs Charges
If you are ordering from outside the UK, you may be liable for customs charges and clearance fees when your order arrives in your country. As the importer, it is your responsibility to pay for these costs, which will vary depending on a range of factors.
A H Spares Ltd is unable to provide specific information for your area. Please contact your local customs department or see your government's website for more details.
A H Spares Ltd cannot be held liable for any charges incurred by your country's customs department and refusing to pay will ultimately result in your order being returned to us. In this event, we will refund the value of the order, but you will still be liable for all the freight costs.
We will follow any customs declaration instructions you provide however, A H Spares Ltd will not be held liable should any delays or charges be incurred as a result of following said instructions.
If you are unhappy with your order and a return to us has been agreed, we will issue you with a Customer Returns form including a pre-printed address label, which you will need to attach to the box along with a copy of your invoice.
This is essential so that the parcel can be processed through UK customs quickly and delivered to us to enable the refund process to take place.
Failure to include the address label or the invoice could result in a delay and the value of our import fees deducted from your refund.