The Original Austin Healey Parts Specialist

Austin Healey Club UK Register

Posted: Thursday, 11 January 2024 @ 12:40

The Austin Healey Club UK have set up a register on their website. The aim of these Registers is to record and maintain details of all the marques still in existence, not just in the UK but Worldwide.  

They are asking all owners, both past and present, to access the Register of their mark on the Austin Healey Club public website home page.  

You do not need to be a member of any car Club to enable you to make an entry.


They very much appreciate the opportunity to add Austin Healey and Jensen Healey car details to their databases, both for the history of the marques and to enable them to help members and others find out more about the past life of their own Healey.

Any personal information that you provide with details of your Healey is kept within the Club and not divulged to members, other clubs or other persons without your express permission.

Register your car here

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  • 100/4 ownerBy Ben Basten12 Sep 23, 11:54pm
  • I enquired about a couple of AH3000s on eBya and the prices are suspicious but do seem to be a scam they are reg numbers 123 AOJ and USU 626. The owner of 123 AOJ claims to be a John Davison but if not correct the real owners might want to know. Kind regards ChrisBy Chris Goff19 Apr 23, 12:06pm
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  • It’s so nice to see my design for the Sprite Register sticker is still existing. I should have copyrighted it !By Pete Dicks18 Jun 22, 4:54pm
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