1. Recharge or Replace the Battery and Check Electrics
Winter hibernation can be hard on your Austin Healey’s battery. First, reconnect the battery (if you disconnected it for storage) and inspect the terminals for any corrosion (a white or green crust). Clean the terminals with a battery terminal brush or some baking soda solution if needed, to ensure a good electrical connection.
Next, check the battery’s charge – a healthy 12-volt battery should read about 12.6V with a multimeter. If you don’t have a multimeter, simply turn the key: dim dash lights or sluggish cranking are signs the battery may need a boost. Charge the battery slowly with a suitable charger, or, if it’s past its prime, consider a replacement. We offer classic-style uprated batteries such as our 6-volt batteries for the BN1, BN2, BN6, and BN7 models, and a 12-volt battery for BN4, BT7, BJ7 and BJ8 models. These fit the period while delivering improved output.
While you’re at it, test all the electrics: headlights, indicators, brake lights, and horn – you want to be seen and heard on the road! If any bulbs are out, now’s the time to replace them. Also ensure the fuses haven’t corroded in their holders (a quick wiggle can clean the contacts).
A confident Healey owner checks these little details to avoid roadside fiddling later.